Where Are All the Leaders?

Where Are All the Leaders?

Lately I have been wondering, “Where are all the Leaders?”  It’s amazing we’ve come to this spot, but it’s not surprising. We’ve always been suckers for the path of least resistance and we’ve never really embraced the productive discomfort required by change. But still, the void of leadership that exists is significant. Let’s begin with…

Leadership Principles: 8 Fundamentals Every Leader Should Know

Leadership Principles: 8 Fundamentals Every Leader Should Know

If people are the ultimate source of competitive advantage (and they are), then leadership is an essential skill that organizations must master. The performance of a company and its people is directly connected to leadership skills. Here are eight principles that every leader, at every level, should know. 1. Great leadership begins with the person,…

Grow Beyond Your Talent

Grow Beyond Your Talent

Yesterday we talked about 5 lessons I wish I’d learned earlier in life.  The response has been awesome.  Thank you for that.  Today let’s look forward to grow beyond your natural talents. All your biggest goals depend on it. But first… So many of you have shared via email, Twitter, and Facebook your own lessons…