Vision is valuable—but focus is essential.

Vision is where you want to go. Focus is what you need to do.
Vision is later. Focus is now.
Vision is the next 24 months. Focus is the next 24 hours.

People spend significant portions of their lives in one of two extremes:
1. Vision without focus
2. Focus without vision.

The first is too broad, resulting in unfulfilled dreams and constant disappointment. The second is too narrow, resulting in lack of direction and missed opportunities. Instead of one or the other—do both. Have faith in what is possible someday, and do what is necessary today.

Believe in your vision, and execute with focus.

Vision energizes you to move forward into an uncertain future. Focus provides the clarity of action that sustains the pursuit of a vision.

How might the vision you achieve in the end be different than the one you imagine in the beginning?

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