The Power of Attitude
Your attitude has a profound impact on the way you lead people. It affects the way you sell and the way you serve customers. Ultimately, your attitude shapes your success and your happiness.
Your attitude has a profound impact on the way you lead people. It affects the way you sell and the way you serve customers. Ultimately, your attitude shapes your success and your happiness.
How many times have you heard someone say, “If only I knew then what I know now…” ? It’s natural. As we learn & experience more we reflect on our lives. We see our past with a sometimes painful clarity. Our missteps & mistakes, however valuable, are obvious to us. But what if you could…
In The R Factor, one of the competencies is to Make a Difference. In our workshops we challenge people to answer several very important questions: What do you want to accomplish with your life? What impact do you want your life to have? What do you want to be remembered for? What legacy do you…
Choose to believe in yourself. Strengthen your resolve to understand who you are, what you are capable of doing, and why it matters. Strength requires work. Work requires practice. Practice takes time. Do the work.
The ability to create your own energy is one of the most important skills in the world. Energy comes from two places: you create it from the inside or you catch it from the outside.
Your attitude, actions, and words make a difference. They affect your environment and the people in it. That’s why E+R=O is such a powerful tool, because it’s not just about you. Your response is deeply personal and never private.
Have you ever listened to someone complain and thought to yourself, “That was fun. I hope I get to hear them complain more” Nope. It’s a zero ROI activity. Your life and the life of everyone around you improves the moment you stop complaining. The best version of you is not a complainer.
People’s lives and futures rely on the actions of leaders. If you are in a position of leadership, becoming the best version of you is not only a responsibility, it is a mandate.
People spend significant portions of their lives in one of two extremes: 1. vision without focus or 2. focus without vision. The first is too broad, resulting in unfulfilled dreams and constant disappointment. The second is too narrow, resulting in lack of direction and missed opportunities.
Life doesn’t owe you anything more than an opportunity. Which is exactly what you have. The rest is on you. If you want something, go earn it. If you deserve something, go prove it. You owe it to yourself.