Control the Controllables

Control the Controllables

Focus on what you can control. Don’t waste time and energy on things that you can’t control. While the logic and common sense of this advice is self-evident, many people find it difficult to do. Nevertheless, it is an essential skill. What you focus on — what has your attention — is one of the…

The Discipline to Achieve

The Discipline to Achieve

“I learned to discipline myself to do things I didn’t want to do. Now, I also discipline myself to do things I love to do when I don’t want to do them.” — Edward James Olmos It’s a discovery most of us have made at some point in life: Setting goals is fairly easy, but…

Are Your Habits Producing the Results You Want?

Are Your Habits Producing the Results You Want?

At the heart of personal and professional success is this core principle: Your habits are perfectly designed to get the results they’re getting. Thus, we should continually ask ourselves, “Are the habits I have producing the results I want?” The answer, of course, is that we all have a mixture of habits:  some good, some average,…

Expand Your Focus Frame

Expand Your Focus Frame

A key discipline in E+R=O A focus frame is the lens through which you see the situations that you experience. Understanding focus frames is essential because the way you see determines how you respond. Clarity of vision drives quality of response. Perception drives action. Managing your response often requires that you expand your frame in…

Be Discerning

Be Discerning

Be discerning. Don’t accept an article, news story, or social media post simply because it feels good to you. Beware confirmation bias.  Articles, news stories, and social media posts are written by people with agendas, and it is your responsibility to understand the connection between the messenger, the message, the motives, and the methods. To…

Communicate With Discipline

Communicate With Discipline

Our lives are full of talking and communicating. We talk to family, friends, colleagues, customers, and our teams and organizations. We communicate to express our thoughts and feelings. We communicate to express our observations and define our experiences. We communicate to connect with people and convey important messages. The way we communicate has a profound…