Don’t lose to yourself. Don’t let you defeat you. Many people are held back by their own mindset. They sabotage themselves through doubt, fear, and limiting beliefs. They often sabotage their quest for achievement. When they begin to push themselves beyond their comfort zone, they give in to the voice that tells them to stop. They give up too soon and compromise too easily when life gets difficult.

Success requires winning the inner battle. You can create a mindset of positive energy that makes you stronger, or you can allow a mindset of negative energy that makes you weaker. Sometimes you just need to get out of your own way!

Self-inflicted obstacles: 

  • What you are doing isn’t working, but you keep doing it anyway.
  • You blame others or circumstances instead of taking ownership. 
  • You get defensive when you get feedback. 
  • You resist changes you need to make. 
  • You fixate on problems instead of doing the work to find solutions. 
  • You listen to your own negative self-talk.
  • You sabotage yourself through doubt, fear, and limiting beliefs.
  • You resist necessary but uncomfortable things. 
  • You hold on to resentment. 
  • You watch TV or play video games or surf the internet when you should be getting work done.

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