In The R Factor we discuss the power of your Response to any event whether it is Disciplined and well thought out or Default and coming from the impulsive.  Your attitude, actions, and words make a difference. They affect your environment and the people in it. That’s why E+R=O is such a powerful tool, because it’s not just about you. Your response is deeply personal and never private.

Think about these characteristics in your life:

  • Your attitude and energy at home.
  • Your emotions and communication at work.
  • Your mindset and demeanor on social media.
  • Your patience and perspective in public.

Now think about specific situations in your life:

  • Your attitude when you walk into your house after a long day of work.
  • How you respond when your spouse points out your mistake.
  • What you say to co-workers when a new change is announced in your company.
  • How you listen to someone talking about something important to them.

It is easy to underestimate the impact you have on the people around you.

It is easy to be self-focused but not self-aware.

It is easy to justify your attitude, action, and words and minimize how they impact on others.

It is easy to judge the attitude, action, and words of others and magnify their impact on you.

Using the skill of E+R=O (Event + Response = Outcome), your response is an event for others. And their response is an event for you. The starting point for self-awareness is recognizing what you are thinking and doing. The next, and more important, step of self-awareness is understanding the impact of what you are thinking and doing.

It is not a question of whether you make a difference. You do.
The question is what difference do you make and how does it impact your environment and the people in it?

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