In the midst of the pace and pressure of leading people and managing a business, it is helpful to step back periodically and reflect on the fundamentals. Here are six essentials of leadership to help keep you focused.

Envision (be clear)
Clarity of vision drives quality of execution. Communicate the team’s vision and goals (where are we going?) and action plan (how are we going to get there?). Clarify the standards of the culture (what are our core beliefs and key behaviors?). Most importantly, help everyone see their role in building the culture and executing the plan. 

Engage (build relationships)
Level of connection drives level of commitment. Your team will perform to the level of trust you build. Connect with people and earn their trust. Your organization is a human system first and a business second. Pay attention to the human system. Relationships matter!

Equip (develop people)
The effectiveness of people determines the performance of the business. Help people build the skills that make a difference. Unleash the talent and energy of everyone on the team. Build job skills and behavior skills. Teach and apply E+R=O. Make development a priority. 

Execute (produce results)
Create a culture of disciplined action and productive accountability. Use key performance indicators to track results, but don’t obsess over the numbers. Focus on the effectiveness of people and the efficiency of processes. Provide timely, candid, practical feedback and coaching. 

Encourage (strengthen the heart)
Be a catalyst to empower people to fulfill their potential. Be a consistent source of passion and energy for your team. See what is possible in each person, and then help them see and discover it for themselves. 

Evolve (grow and get better)
Be passionate about continuously improving yourself, the people you lead, and the organization. The best leaders are constantly learning, growing, and building their knowledge and skills… and taking people with them on the journey.

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