An integrated plan for creating a Culture Blueprint, equipping staff with the R Factor, and training executives and managers in Relentless Leadership.
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A Full System Install follows a three step process:
We work with your leadership team to learn about your business. What are your priority issues? What are your strategic and operational goals? Where are the performance gaps?
Based on the discovery phase, we work with you to co-develop an action plan for creating a Culture Blueprint and training leaders and staff. The plan will take into consideration timeline, geography, logistics, budget, etc.
This is the execution of the consulting and training plan. Based on the plan, delivery may be on-site, online, or a combination of both. We meet periodically with the leadership team to track progress and make adjustments as needed.
Culture Blueprint
Focus 3 works directly with the leadership team to clarify core beliefs, key behaviors, and desired outcomes to create a Culture Blueprint.
It begins with a 60 minute Performance Pathway webinar for the leadership team to clarify what culture is, why it’s important, and a leader’s role in building it. At the conclusion of the webinar, we challenge the leadership team to think deeply about the beliefs and behaviors that are essential to the success of the business.
Within 2-4 weeks of the webinar, Focus 3 will facilitate an on-site or online workshop to help the leadership team develop a draft of their core beliefs, key behaviors, and desired outcomes. We take the input from this workshop and work with you to refine the draft into your final Culture Blueprint.
The R Factor
Focus 3 will teach the R Factor to leaders and managers first through a series of on-site or online workshops. Following the leaders’ workshops, staff will receive R Factor training. The R Factor can also be taught to staff via train-the-trainer (certification) or virtual training.
- Clarify performance goals and priority issues of the business unit.
- Use the E+R=O framework to identify recurring, high-impact events in the business unit.
- Document how staff responds to those events and the outcomes that are produced. What is working? What is not working?
- How to apply E+R=O (Event + Response = Outcome).
- Take ownership of your 20 Square Feet.
- Why discipline wins and default loses.
- Eliminate BCD.
- The six disciplines of the R Factor.
- Small group and individual sessions.
- Review and reconfirm the behavior standards of the culture.
- Identify the pattern of events you experience in your job.
- For each event, pre-plan your R to achieve the desired outcome.
- Do reps, develop common language, build skill.
Relentless Leadership
Following R Factor training, Focus 3 will facilitate on-site or online workshops to teach leaders the Relentless Leadership system. Prior to the workshop, participants will complete a DISC assessment, which is a tool for recognizing different behavior styles.
- Lead Now 360 Assessment
- DISC Behavior Style Assessment
- The mindset of a leader.
- The Performance Pathway.
- The power of culture and the role of a leader.
- Build Trust through Character, Competence, and Connection.
- Achieve Results through Clarity, Accountability, and Support.
- Identify gaps in your leadership skill and do reps to improve your effectiveness.
- Further develop your character blueprint.
- Identify predictable events you experience in your leadership role and prepare your response.
- Build skill using E+R=O to coach people.
- Learn from your peers’ experience and build trust with colleagues.