Who in your office needs a word of encouragement? Who at home needs your support? Who among your friends needs a boost? 

Encouragement is a powerful thing. The word actually means “to strengthen the heart,” and therein lies its power. When you encourage someone, you give them strength. You give them support. You give them the persevering to keep going, to not give up, to keep pursuing their dream. 

Because what comes from the heart, touches the heart.

Many people set goals, work for a while to achieve their goals, and then give up when confronted with inevitable obstacles and difficulties. Sometimes what is needed is a little encouragement.  Consider how the power of encouragement made a big difference for Scott Adams, the author of the ultra-successful cartoon series Dilbert:

In January of 1986 I was flipping through the channels on TV and saw the closing credits for a PBS broadcast called “Funny Business,” a show about cartooning.  I had always wanted to be a cartoonist but never knew how to go about it.  I wrote to the host of the show, cartoonist Jack Cassady, and asked his advice on entering the profession.

A few weeks later, I got an encouraging handwritten letter from Jack, answering all of my specific questions about materials and process. He went on to warn me about the likelihood of being rejected at first, advising me not to get discouraged if that happened. He said the cartoon samples I had sent him were good and worthy of publication.

I got very excited, finally understanding how the whole process worked.  I submitted my best cartoons to several magazines, but I received quick rejections with cold little photocopied form letters. Discouraged, I put my art supplies in the closet and decided to forget about cartooning.

In June of 1987 — out of the blue — I got a second letter from Jack Cassady.  Here’s what his letter said:

Dear Scott:

I was reviewing my “Funny Business” mail file when I ran across your letter and copies of your cartoons.  The reason I’m dropping you this note is to again encourage you to submit your ideas to various publications.  I hope you have already done so and are on the road to making a few bucks and having some fun, too.

Sometimes encouragement in the funny business of graphic humor is hard to come by.  That’s why I am encouraging you to hang in there and keep drawing.

I wish you lots of luck, sales, and good drawings.


I was profoundly touched by his letter, I think, because Jack had nothing to gain.  I acted on his encouragement, dragged my art supplies out of storage and inked the sample strips that eventually became “Dilbert.”  Now, 700 newspapers and six books later, things are going pretty well in Dilbertville.  As “Dilbert” became more successful, I came to deeply appreciate the enormity of Jack’s simple act of encouragement.

Scott Adams

So let me ask again: Who in your office needs a word of encouragement?  Who at home needs your support? Who among your friends needs a boost of inner strength? Never underestimate the power of encouragement!

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