Three Dangers of Disruptive Emotion

Three Dangers of Disruptive Emotion

Be careful not to get caught in the grip of disruptive emotion. You can’t make good decisions with bad information, and sometimes emotions give you bad information. This is because there are three things that a disruptive emotion doesn’t want: precision, patience, or perspective.  A disruptive emotion doesn’t want precision. It doesn’t care about the facts…

Ten Disconnectors

Ten Disconnectors

You’ve heard it said many times: Building a healthy relationship takes work. You don’t get the relationships you want; you get the relationships you build. You also know that communication is the heart of a healthy relationship. However, even though we know this to be true, we sometimes fail to communicate the way we should,…

Better Listening Makes Everything Better

Better Listening Makes Everything Better

Wherever it is found, poor listening does great damage to communication and the effective exchange of information and ideas. Poor listening hinders the sharing of thoughts and feelings. It weakens organizational culture and undermines performance. It cripples teamwork and collaboration. It sabotages marriage and parenting. Poor listening damages any relationship, personal or professional.  Better listening,…