What’s It Like to Work With You?
It is important to periodically stop, step away from the routines of your job, and reflect on the impact you are having on the people with whom you work. Here are 12 questions to guide your self-reflection and increase your awareness of what it is actually like to work with you.
- How well do you listen?
- How clearly do you communicate?
- Do people feel like you care about them?
- How skillfully do you work through disagreements with colleagues?
- Do you bring positive, productive energy to your team and the organization?
- Do people experience you as more of a solver or more of a complainer?
- Can people trust you to follow through?
- Do you tend to talk to people or about people?
- Are you committed to learning and continuously getting better?
- How do you respond to feedback and coaching?
- Do you ask for help when you need it, and do you give help when it’s asked of you?
- How effectively do you work with different personalities and styles?
If you want to use these questions in the most effective and transformational way, ask a trustworthy person at work to give you their honest and candid response to each question.